Deseret News - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced the latest asset in "Marital Tools to Newlyweds" in its 16-DVD Set called Emma: Latter-Day Fidelity: Keeping Your Man Home. The Project was funded by Relief Society donations throughout 2008-2009, and has won the Baldridge Award for Creative Communication, Top Achievement of 2010.
Produced by The Smoking Press, Nauvoo, IL.
The set will be available at all Ward Libraries in June, 2011, according to Spencer Kinard, LDS Family Unity Director. Newly married couples will be given a gift set at selected Temple locations beginning in March.
Emma Smith was the supportive wife and sweetheart of Joseph Smith, Jr. She was the lifelong Matron of the growing restored Church of her husband, composer of Sacred Hymns, and led the Fourth Company of Barefoot Widows across the plains in 1847. She was buried in Salt Lake City Utah in 2009 after a protracted legal battle with three major sects of the Latter-day Saint movement.