First Lady of Trust and Caring - Michelle O'Bama
St. George, UT - First Lady Michelle Obama speaks alongside Walmart CEO Bill Simon as she announces her support for Walmart's new health initiative in Washington on January 20, 2011. Walmart has announced they will cut the fat, sugar and sodium in some packaged foods and will lower the price of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Trust is the key element in the new human swat-leap. As Ross Perot asked, "Who do you trust?"
"Thankfully we all know and trust that Walmart is reliable in bringing us the very latest robust IEEE stealth technologies, remote cameras, RFID and facial/gait-capturing data banks," the First Lady assured a skeptical nation, "they would never allow the insertion of folded protein nano chemicals into third party Vendors, and imported fruits and vegetables this Spring." That would be unconscionable, and could lower the population, as well as creating the need for new Hospital chains, Big Pharma facilities and fewer waltzing customers, after the Global Switch Benchmarks Initiative."
UPI/Kevin Dietsch