Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sinless Toddler Hijacks Blog

Yo, Judge. I'm in charge here now.

Hi. I'm the Greatest great-grandson of Paul Giff, and I'm pissed. That Veteran, the Godfather you locked up yesterday, for being a Man, is the one who sends me trucks in the mail. Weekly. Since the day I was born, fool. If I don't get my truck this week, I'll sick 500,000 infants on you. So drink that.
 Can you lock us all up, really? Do you know what happens to a gub'mint when duh babies get a little courage, huh? Do ya? Huh? n your religious cronies can lock up some bent over senior, wow, makes you look real cool.

Just like a real John Singer movie! Or Ruby Ridge. Or even maybe a Waco-buzzcut, eh?

But you mess with me, fucker-Sir, and you're messing with the best. I'm no Joe Stack. I don't do Cessna.

I use teapots: The scalding kind. Whistling ones, that hiss Rototiller-rhymes while you're sleeping.

When your cameras rattle from our roar in numbers too big to ignore...we'll enjoy your screams. In THX.  

What wonders the virals will be this Christmas!

As you wail out on your way to Hell, we'll record those screams, remix 'em, an blend 'em with our favorite jams. Eminem is our voice now, and you can't help but hear him. Did you actually think the men who took those Oaths would obey that Slimy Radical?


Come, follow me. Arrest me. But before you do, you'd better bring some ice cold water. It better be under some pretty high pressure. Independently powered.

With a whole lotta atheist Zombies to protect you.

Tienanmen Square was nothing compared to what's coming for us, right?

Do you really think your anti-White economic Hiroshima will erase our faith?

You have my great-grandpa. But not his mind. Feeding him that cheap bread won't dull his senses.


I've got the Pinoys, the rappers, the mountaineers, Revolutionary War Widows, most Cebu Inmates, the surfers, the 2nd Artillery Battalion, also known as the Rexburg Masked exMormons, the Soccer Mom's AND the poets.

We can duel with you anytime, anywhere.

Choose your weapon.

'nuff said.

Oh, and Tommy. You can turn off the water now. You won't be baptizing any more kids after I get The Message out.

We ankle-biters hate hypocrites and cowards. Even if you do dress like politicians and banksters.

You let them rip off our future. So go fuck yourself.

We da shit, here now!

- Baby Jesus, II
