Please stop laughing.
Laughter is all I hear wherever I go. Merrymaking, frivolity, light mindedness and downright fun.
I'm trying to be serious here. The world is ending, and before it does, you'll be hungry. Cold. Exhausted.
Unless you busily now prepare.
I have spent all of my sentient life searching for value. Not merely in items, but in people, music, art, places and all that I need to become an ideal man.
My original quest was to locate him. But I found by age 27 that he simply didn't exist. And so, I resolved to be that man. Unfortunately, the ideal man must become the most foolish first. He must make gross errors in choices, judgment and in his timing. Only then will he surely possess the wisdom that can withstand any laughter, any depth of hatred and every vicissitude that God will later throw into his path.
He does. And we should too. But instead we seek to avoid them, imagine them non-existent or drink them into a careless corner of our mind, "till later..."
The reason God spends most of His waking centuries producing such intricate works of art is because he wants just one thing at harvest time. That one thing is Character. But not just any character. He craves the robust, sure, steady and awesome type. He is addicted to it, in fact.
If a planet fails to provide sufficient character after a week so of overwhelmingly gradual polishing and perfecting, He loses His temper. I was shown a clip of His temper while I was waiting in His front office. Let me assure you, it is not something you ever want to expose yourself to. The memory of its impact upon your soul would never be healed.
There are no drugs in Heaven. No insane asylums, either. Those who survive His repositioning for eternal struggle must prove capable at every moment. No one will come to rescue you there. There is no On Star, nor 911, nor government, group or circle to help you get up if you fall.
All this imagined bliss about Heaven springs from competence and dignity, and those two rare qualities come only through striving and failing well.
Do you remember my crazy grandson? The one with the very special child? Did you think I was joking when I so wrote of him? Do you doubt that he is insane, or that he indeed has a very special child? Allow me to educate you why I revere the toddler as I do. And keep in mind, please, that I have dined with Presidents, debated with geniuses, been instructed by Masters in India and corresponded with those who use their mortal days much more efficiently than 99% of human beings. Knowing this, I now proceed.
Do you remember a think called The Bible? It is the greatest book ever compiled. The Book of Mormon, the Koran and every other sacred text, from what ever era pale in comparison to it. The Holy Bible is the word of God to man, using men and women and angels to illustrate His will.
In the Holy Bible man was commanded to work. On the telephone, some 8,400 miles away from me, I had a call one night from that crazy grandson of mine. He was excited. Giddy. No. He was manic. He was relating to me that his only begotten son, that "very special spirit" that he and his newly found Treasure had begged God for, was, at age 34 months, doing his own laundry, brushing his own teeth, cooking his own eggs and rice, and bathing then dressing himself each morning.
All this, he claimed, was unassisted. I could not believe him, of course, and told him so. He would not recant, and invited me to come and see for my self. Three weeks later, I was scheduled to address a group of Professors in Manila. I gave myself the extra two days of travel time, so that I could stop in and teach my wayward grandson the folly of exaggerating to those who are not gullible. Little did I know, but I would take 864 pictures during that 50 hour visit. Many more pictures were shot those two days by the neighbors, family and friends.
Had I not done so, I may have lost my tenure, for one of the requirements of my employ is to be upright in every aspect and at all times. With these photographs, I could retain my position and convince my peerage that indeed, this was a "very special child."
And so I come to you today, completely confident that you will believe me. The messages I have for you are imperative to your well-being, health, safety and very future.
1. America will lose electrical networks before the next Summer begins.
2. Those who choose to ignore this warning will suffer unspeakably, then die.
3. Families whose heads do provide sustenance and wares for comfort, and who fail to place people above things will lose their eternal rewards. All of them.
4. Caring is the wisest course for you at this season.
\5. If you do not pray as never before, with a fullness of heart, asking for inspiration, strength, guidance and all that you will need, as the chaos ensues, having faith in God's love for you and your family, you will perish.
6. Humility will guarantee that you are fine. The storm will rage, but within your breast will be peace, if you are humble, grateful, kind and helpful.
7. You are now given the responsibility to warn your neighbors. Your neighbors live in every locale. The miraculous Internet is the doorbell. Use it.
8. Know that the time is very short. Read and re-read Matthew 24. It is precious.
9. Never fear, judge or choose anger, unless your life is at stake. In that event, become a Lion of Judah. Rip the carcass from all bones and sinew, then don't look back. Not even for a moment.
10. Purify your heart. Plead with Father for forgiveness. Become as Christ, and live for the benefit of others. They will need you to. Do it.
God is the greatest employer of all. He knows what pay is deserved. Your every thought, deed and act is and has been recorded. He alone knows motive, weakness and the direction and velocity of your heart. Face the Light. Be thankful to kneel as His sons and Daughters.
We each won the grandest Lottery of all the moment He thought and willed us into being.
I ask that you toss this missive into the trash can, or across the world, according to your own mettle and worth.
Lives will be damned or blessed. O, choose well.
In the name of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and in pure love for you, I am your humble servant.
Amen and amen.